Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Elements and principles in 3D

In process texture

Texture- For this piece I did not know what I wanted to do with this, but I wanted to try working with the wood glue as my base. I started by just pouring a bunch unto a plastic surface thinking it would dry in a more malleable way, so that I could carve shape and texture into it. I added small pieces of paper to for more texture depth. As the glue started to dry I soon realized it was too brittle to carve. Instead I began to crinkle and move the glue as it finished drying. Overall this piece did not turn out as I intended, ultimately it did not even stand properly.

Focal Point- For this sculpture I actually, took inspiration from several classmates, using paper as a base and wrapping it in clear tape to be able to look through to see inside. Inside is painted with wood glue and the ball is made of wood glue as well, rubbing glue and my hands, surprisingly while they were dirty, creating the grey/black color. For added emphasis I taped a square enclosing the ball and cut out the clear tape within to help draw the eye to look inside.

Scale-Originally this piece started out as a giant "pencil" and man hanging from it, made both from paper, not realizing it was too obvious in its symbolism. Using the advice I was given during my in process critique, I chose to lose the man and replicated the shape of the "pencil" on a smaller scale. Using more paper for the base I attached both "pencils" on opposite sides and added a thin strip of masking tape  connecting them to direct the viewers eye towards both ends.
Drawing of final sculpture

Drawing of final sculpture

Drawing of final sculpture