Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Few of My Favorite things

A few of my favorite things include,  my car keys which represent my car which helped me drive across the country from Potland, Oregon, one of the few pictures I have of my grandfather and I before he died when I was 3, my cat Mariah's collar, candy which I could not live without, my kindle for reading when I'm not busy reading for classes, music note and guitar earrings representing my love for music, and finally, one of my tv remotes, which represent my tv, which is my number one go-to to relax and forget about the stresses of life.

Friday, April 25, 2014

3D to 2D

For this assignment I chose to take one of the photos from the Human Body Required assignment, concentrating on the geometric shape of the skirt I duplicate the portion of the picture then rotated and pasted them together, with that pattern I pixilated the image and inverted the colors to produce the final image.
Original image:
In Process
In Process

Final image

In process

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

These Shoes Are Not Made For Walking

The reading by Daine Ackerman, called Touch discusses the importance of our sense of touch within our life experiences as humans, touch is an important way to communicate and show affection and love between humans, this affection beginings from the moment we are born and are first held and touch by our mother. "touch seems to be as essentiual as sunlight" Touch can be important in being able to truly know and understand an object we come across that we do not know, through touch we can gain a greater understanding of what an object is and how it is made up.
In process

In process

In process

This assignment was very difficult for me and even the final product I was not completely happy with, but I used as mant tools as I could in order to replicate the textures of the original shoes, including a sewing roller, the grip of my exacto knife and a hole punch.
Final photos not taken, because they have not been graded yet
Drawings of final shoes

Drawings of final shoes

Drawings of final shoes